Monday, January 2, 2012

Speed = Shallow

Speed is Bad

Read the above link...

Then comment on how you will slow down this year...



  1. I will make more time for prayer 1st. It is my life line to all other areas of my life. I will make time for each of my kids & for Shawn as well. I'll get away from tv more in the evenings & do some of the things that are just sitting in my heart - asking to be created.

  2. One thing I have to learn to say is....I can't do it all. I want to spend more time enjoying my family. Not just doing for them. Sitting and enjoying them. Take time to focus on my relationships and talking. Sometimes the dishes won't get done and the house may be a mess but mt children won't be little forever. Stop worrying about other people and what they think. Enjoy life. Take some time for myself! This is something I need to do in order to slow down in life. Focus on my relationship with Jesus and becoming who I am suppose to be in Christ. My new saying I say to myself is I will realize what a wonderful life I have despite my hard times. And Read more! *One day at a time*

  3. Can't really add anything. Just totally agree with everything said in link & comments.

  4. I know I need to Slow Down, Pay Attention and Stay Focused... Instead of thinking about what I am going to do next...

    When I find myself doing this ~ I say to myself and sometimes outloud... "Focus" (jus sayin')
